Saturday, September 1, 2007

Blog 1 - Stereotypes in Australia

Although I am leaving it rather late. I thought I would post some of the ideas I am incorporating into my first Blog.

I have chosen topic #9 on Stereotypes. I am focusing on the stereotype of Aboriginal Australians being chronic alcoholics. This topic is of personal interest and importance to me as I know many people who suffer from the consequences of stereotypes of Aboriginal people in Australia such as this one.

I think overgeneralisation is a major problem with stereotypes that people need to consciously do something about in order to create a fairer country for everyone. Aboriginal peopple should not be discriminated against or rejected due to their backgrounds. All people should be given equal opportunity to make the most of life.

Some Aboriginals do have alcoholism problems, as do others, but we should not be stereotyping them we should be helping them. This stereotype certainly does not represent the entire population of Aboriginals in Australia and it is unjustified to say that it does.

I also have a concept map completed which I will post shortly.

Any comments or suggestions are welcome

I hope you are all doing well with your first blogs

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